The Division of Developmental Disabilities, through a contract with the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS), offers health care coverage to members who are eligible for the Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS). This coverage includes physical health services, behavioral health services, Children’s Rehabilitative Services (CRS) and limited Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS). Mercy Care and UnitedHealthcare Community Plan (UHCCP) provide the DDD Health Plans effective October 1, 2019.
Mercy Care and UHCCP can provide services to members statewide.
All LTSS are provided by DDD contracted qualified vendors and specialty contractors except nursing facilities, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices, emergency alert system services and habilitative physical therapy for members age twenty-one (21) and over. These LTSS will be provided by the member's DDD Health Plan.
Current Members have the opportunity to change DDD Health Plans every 12 months during their birth month. Newly enrolled members can change their assigned DDD Health Plan within 30 days of enrollment. Members interested in changing their DDD Health Plan should contact their Support Coordinator or DDD Member Services at 1-844-770-9500 ext. 7.
DDD Health Plan contact details are below.
Toll Free: 1 (800) 624-3879 (TTY/TDD 711)
Address: 4750 S 44th Place Suite 150, Phoenix, AZ 85040
24-Hour Nurse Line: 1 (800) 624-3879 (TTY/TDD 711) or (602) 263-3000 option 2
Children's Services Liaison:
Tribal Liaison
Tribal Relations Administrator
Mercy Care Clinical Guidelines
Mercy Care Autism Spectrum
Disorder Diagnosing Providers
Mercy Care Providers Who Treat
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Behavioral Health Residential Facility
Medical Necessity Criteria
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Related Services
Toll Free: 1 (800) 348-4058
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan Website
Address: 1 East Washington, Suite 900, Phoenix, AZ 85004
24-Hour Nurse Line: 1 (877) 440-0255 (TTY/TDD 711)
Children's Services Liaison:
Indigenous Relations Liaison
Clinical Tribal Coordinator
Phone: (602) 255-7078
Phone: (602) 255-1608
UnitedHealthcare Provider Search
UnitedHealthcare Clinical Guidelines
UnitedHealthcare Formulary Search
UnitedHealthcare Autism Spectrum
Disorder Diagnosing Providers
UnitedHealthcare Providers Who Treat
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Behavioral Health Residential Facility
Medical Necessity Criteria
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Related Services
The DDD Tribal Health Program (THP) AHCCCS Health Plan ID #110007, site code 62. The site code will differ is member is enrolled with a TRBHA. Those can be found on the AHCCCS Tribal Regional Behavioral Health Authorities web page.
DDD-THP is a fee-for-service program that allows eligible members to receive services at any AHCCCS registered fee-for-service provider in Arizona that sees fee-for-service THP members.
THP members receive assessed Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS), or Home and Community Based Services (HCBS), from one or more DDD Qualified Vendors. These services are typically assessed by the member’s Support Coordinator.
American Indian/Alaska Native members can also receive physical and behavioral health services from any Indian Health Service (IHS) provider or tribally owned/operated facility at any time without prior approval.
The below table outlines the current options for members:
Option | Physical Health | Behavioral Health | Children's Rehabilitative Services | Long Term Services and Supports | Support Coordination |
1 | DDD Health Plan | DDD Health Plan | DDD Health Plan | DDD ALTCS | DDD |
2 | DDD Health Plan | Tribal Regional Behavioral Health Authority (TRBHA)* | DDD Health Plan | DDD ALTCS | DDD |
3 | Tribal Health Program | Tribal Regional Behavioral Health Authority (TRBHA)* | Tribal Health Program | DDD ALTCS | DDD |
4 | Tribal Health Program | Tribal Health Program | Tribal Health Program | DDD ALTCS | DDD |
American Indians/Alaska Natives that choose the DDD THP can receive behavioral health services from a Tribal Regional Behavioral Health Authority (TRBHA), if one is available in their area. To receive behavioral health services from a TRBHA, members should call the AHCCCS Enrollment Unit:
THP members may receive health care services from AHCCCS-registered providers that see THP fee-for-service members or Indian Health Facilities (the Indian Health Service, tribally-operated "638" health programs, urban Indian health clinics).
The Provider Directory is a searchable listing of AHCCCS registered providers by Specialty. Call the provider’s office and verify if they accept DDD-THP prior to scheduling an appointment.
To search for a provider, you can click the drop-down arrow on Specialty to select All or a specific type of Specialty, such as an Audiologist or Pediatric Psychiatrist. When you search, a listing of AHCCCS registered providers will appear and the provider’s Name, Specialty, Address and Phone number will be listed. Providers with multiple office locations will be listed under each location. You can also narrow your search by ZIP code or city.
The searchable online provider directory is available on the AHCCCS website.
AI/AN members can switch their enrollment between DDD-THP and a DDD managed health care plan and back again at any time. However, a member can change from one managed health care plan to another (for example, Mercy Care Plan to United Healthcare Community Plan) only once a year.
If a member has a diagnosed behavioral health condition that reflects the symptoms and behaviors necessary for a request for residential treatment level of care, the behavioral health condition causing the significant functional and/or psychosocial impairment shall be evidenced in the assessment by the following:
Information for Fee-for-Service Providers
Individuals eligible for the Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) can receive physical health services through their DDD Health Plan or the Tribal Health Program. Available services include:
Service | Title 19 Service Available to Members Under Age 21 | Title 19 Service Available to Members Age 21 & Over |
Audiology | Yes | Yes |
Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy | Yes | Yes |
Chiropractic Services | Yes | Yes |
Cochlear Implants | Yes | No |
Diagnostic Testing | Yes | Yes |
Emergency Dental Services | Yes | Yes |
Preventive & Therapeutic Dental Services | Yes | Yes |
Limited Medical and Surgical Services by a Dentist | No | Yes |
Dialysis | Yes | Yes |
Emergency Services-Medical | Yes | Yes |
Emergency Eye Exam | Yes | Yes |
Vision Exam/Prescriptive Lenses | Yes | Yes |
Lens Post Cataract Surgery | Yes | Yes |
Treatment for Medical Conditions of the Eye | Yes | Yes |
Health Risk Assessment & Screening Tests | No | Yes |
Preventive Examinations in the Absence of any Known Disease or Symptom | Yes | Yes |
HIV/AIDS Antiretroviral Therapy | Yes | Yes |
Home Health Services | Yes | Yes |
Hospice | Yes | Yes |
Hospital Inpatient Medical | Yes | Yes |
Hospital Observation | Yes | Yes |
Hospital Outpatient Medical | Yes | Yes |
Hysterectomy (medically necessary) | Yes | Yes |
Immunizations | Yes | Yes |
Laboratory | Yes | Yes |
Maternity Care Services | Yes | Yes |
Family Planning Services and Supplies | Yes | Yes |
Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (Health Services) | Yes | No |
Other Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Services Covered by Title XIX | Yes | No |
Medical Foods | Yes | Yes |
Medical Equipment and Appliances | Yes | Yes |
Medical Supplies | Yes | Yes |
Prosthetic | Yes | Yes |
Orthotic Devices | Yes | Yes |
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy | Yes | Yes |
Nursing Facilities (up to 90 days) | Yes | Yes |
Non-Physician First Surgical Assistant | Yes | Yes |
Physician Services | Yes | Yes |
Foot and Ankle Services* | Yes | Yes |
Prescription Drugs | Yes | Yes |
Primary Care Provider Services | Yes | Yes |
Private Duty Nursing | Yes | Yes |
Radiology and Medical Imaging | Yes | Yes |
Occupational Therapy – Inpatient | Yes | Yes |
Occupational Therapy – Outpatient | Yes | Yes |
Physical Therapy – Inpatient | Yes | Yes |
Physical Therapy – Outpatient (See policy regarding visit limitations) | Yes | Yes |
Sleep Studies (Polysomnography) | Yes | Yes |
Speech Therapy – Inpatient | Yes | Yes |
Speech Therapy – Outpatient | Yes | Yes |
Respiratory Therapy | Yes | Yes |
Total Outpatient Parenteral Nutrition | Yes | Yes |
Non-Experimental transplants approved for Title XIX Reimbursement (See policy regarding specific Transplant Coverage) | Yes | Yes |
Transplant Related Immunosuppressant Drugs | Yes | Yes |
Transportation – Emergency | Yes | Yes |
Transportation – Non-emergency | Yes | Yes |
Triage | Yes | Yes |
Women’s Preventive Care Services | Yes | Yes |
Individuals eligible for the Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) can receive behavioral health services through their DDD Health Plan or the Tribal Health Program. Available services include:
If a member has a diagnosed behavioral health condition that reflects the symptoms and behaviors necessary for a request for residential treatment, the behavioral health condition causing the significant functional and/or psychosocial impairment shall be evidenced in the assessment by the following:
See all behavioral crisis lines including national, county, and TRBHA contacts on the AHCCCS website.
Mobile teams staffed by behavioral health professionals who travel to the individual experiencing a crisis and provide assessment, stabilization and may triage the individual to a higher level of care, as appropriate are available 24/7.
Facility-based crisis stabilization centers are also available that offer crisis stabilization and observation, including access to Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and drug detoxification.
Visit your DDD Health Plan’s website or call their Member Services unit to locate a provider near you.
DDD provides health care coverage to members who are eligible for the Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) through a contract with the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS).
Members can receive physical and behavioral health services as well as Children’s Rehabilitative Services (CRS) from their DDD Health Plan. Certain long-term services and supports are also provided by the DD Health Plan. Currently, these DD Health Plans are Mercy Care or UnitedHealthcare Community Plan.
Members receiving services from Mercy Care or UnitedHealthcare Community Plan can learn more about the prior authorization requirements for each health plan online or by calling the Health Plan’s member services.
In addition, American Indian/Alaska Natives have the option to receive services through the DDD American Indian Health Plan. Members enrolled in the DDD American Indian Health Plan should have their health care provider contact DDD at 1-844-770-9500 ext. 7 before receiving the following services:
Need for the following services are driven by the planning process, identifying goals, outcomes, exhausting natural and community supports and funding availability. The amount of service is individually determined by the planning process and based on need. This document is not intended to reflect an individual’s service level minimum and/or maximum.
To learn more about the services listed below refer to the DES/DDD Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) Member Handbook.
You may also contact your assigned DDD Support Coordinator or the DDD Customer Service Center for more information.
The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) works with the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS). They help people who are part of the Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) by giving them healthcare coverage. This includes special services, tools, and extras for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
These DDD Health Plans Cover AAC Supplies and Services
AAC Systems are special methods used when regular talking isn't enough for everyday chatting and needs. There are two main types:
Who Can Get It: The DDD offers AAC tools to people of all ages if they're needed for their health.
How It Works: Sometimes, there are limits to how much, or what kind, of AAC you can get. But if it's needed to make your health better or stop it from getting worse, these limits might not apply, especially for people under age 21.
Delivery and Training: The device is delivered to your home. The SLP who completed your AAC device evaluation will contact you to plan your training sessions once you receive the AAC device. These sessions are for setting up the device and making any changes so it works best for you. They will be scheduled within 90 days after approval. You can contact the SLP for assistance if needed.
Re-evaluation may be necessary if your communication needs change, the device doesn't effectively support your communication, or the device isn’t meeting your needs. Approval may be required. Contact your original SLP or DDD Support Coordinator for guidance.
You do not need a referral from your PCP to begin substance use services. Any behavioral health provider can assist with substance use disorders and provide opioid information. Visit your DDD Health Plan’s website or call their Member Services unit to locate a provider near you. You can also contact the National Substance Use and Disorder Issues Referral and Treatment Hotline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
Always reference policy posted online to ensure you are following the policy currently in effect. DDD Policy includes seven manuals. If you don't know where to find the information you are looking for, visit the Policy Library and search the Complete Set of DDD Policies or by specific manual.
In 2019, the Arizona Legislature passed two bills, SB1321 and SB1352, that impact personal health information (PHI). A Health Information Exchange (HIE) connects provider electronic health record (EHR) systems allowing them to securely share patient information and better coordinate care. Health Current, Arizona’s HIE, connects more than 500 Arizona organizations, including first responders, hospitals, labs, and behavioral health, physical health, post-acute care and hospice providers. The HIE makes patients’ health information available to participants electronically. State and federal law give patients certain rights and protections concerning this information. Your DDD Health Plan will send you a Notice of Health Information Practices if they participate in the HIE. This document must be signed by the member or their guardian acknowledging the information has been read and agreed to. Members can choose to opt out of having their personal health information made available on the HIE. If you opt out, your healthcare providers will not be able to access your personal health information through the HIE. Contact your DDD Health Plan or provider for more information about your personal health information, the HIE and your ability to opt out.
AHCCCS considers DDD as your health plan. When you use the AHCCCS website or Medifax, “DES/DDD/LTC” is used to identify your assigned health plan. Because DDD assigns a health plan to you, AHCCCS cannot tell which actual health plan you have. To find out which DDD Health Plan you have, please call:
DDD Health Care Services
Toll-free statewide: 1 (844) 770-9500 ext. 7
We will answer any questions you have whenever you see DES/DDD/LTC listed as your health plan.
Mercy Care
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan
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Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other nondiscrimination laws and authorities, ADES does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Persons that require a reasonable modification based on language or disability should submit a request as early as possible to ensure the State has an opportunity to address the modification. The process for requesting a reasonable modification can be found at Equal Opportunity and Reasonable Modification