Unemployment Insurance (UI) information is confidential and protected by both federal and state legislation regarding confidentiality. Requests from claimants and employers for release of UI information will be granted under the following conditions:
Any requesting entity which submits an average of five or more requests for benefits (claimant) or tax (employer) information per month for any three consecutive months must apply for a data-sharing agreement. If applicable under Arizona Administrative Code R6-3-1403.A or Section 303(i)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act, requests sent to either the Custodian of Benefits Records or the Custodian of Tax Records must be accompanied by a release signed by the appropriate claimant or employer before information is disclosed.
Costs for information disclosed by either the UI Benefits or UI Tax Custodian of Records (delivered by mail, in person, or by FAX):
The per-inquiry fees include costs to review each request, the time spent to produce the response, and equipment usage. Unless otherwise specified in a data-sharing agreement, a self-addressed stamped envelope or other delivery payment must accompany each request. All fees as outlined above must also be remitted with every request.
Per Arizona Revised Statutes Section 12-351, reimbursement for subpoenas includes the cost of document reproduction, plus clerical costs incurred in locating and making the document(s) available, billed at the rate of $.10 per page and $10.00 per hour per person.
You may submit a request for records in the following ways:
You can create an account and submit your records request through the DES Public Records Request Portal.
UI Benefits Custodian of Records
P.O. Box 6123
Mail Drop 5897
Phoenix, Arizona 85005-6123
UI Tax Custodian of Records
P.O. Box 6028
Mail Drop 5881
Phoenix, AZ 85005-6028
UI Benefit Fax: (602) 771-8365