Call 911 if you have an emergency that threatens your life.
Call 988 if you have a behavioral health emergency.
Call your DDD Health Plan 24-Hour Nurse Line if you need to speak to a nurse for help:
Mercy Care Plan - 1-800-624-3879 (TTY/TDD 711) or 602-263-3000, option 2
United Health Plan Community Plan- 1-877-440-0255 (TTY/TDD 711)
DDD Tribal Health Program- 480-267-7267
DDD has staff available 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
Contact your Support Coordinator or the DDD Customer Service Center at 1-844-770-9500, option 1. You can also email [email protected] during business hours, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except on state holidays.
DDD has staff to help with urgent issues after hours. This staff is also there to help on state holidays. Call 1-855-375-1403 or 602-375-1403.
Urgent issues may include:
Wildfires or other public emergencies.
A sudden change that could harm or injure the member.
Serious Incidents, such as the sudden death of a member