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DDD Eligibility for Ages 6 to Adult
What makes someone eligible for DDD?
An individual may be eligible for DDD services if they meet the following criteria:
- Were diagnosed with a developmental disability that:
- Started before age 18, and
- Is likely to continue
- Significant limitations in daily life skills
What are the diagnoses for eligibility?
The person must have at least one of the following:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Cerebral Palsy
- Down Syndrome
- Epilepsy
- Intellectual (Cognitive) Disability
The provider making the diagnosis must meet the Division qualifications.
What are the limits in daily life skills?
The person must have serious limits in at least three (3) of these daily life skills:
- Self-Care: needs help with personal care and hygiene
- Receptive and Expressive Language: unable to communicate and understand others
- Learning: The person cannot participate in age appropriate learning without help
- Self-Direction: needs help with making decisions, safety in the community, and money skills
- Mobility: needs help to move from place to place
- Capacity for Independent Living: cannot live alone for health and safety
- Economic Self-Sufficiency: cannot earn enough money to live on their own
What records do I need to apply for DDD?
- Proof the person lives in Arizona
- Proof of U.S. Citizenship or Lawful Presence
- A signed application by the person or their legal guardian
- Insurance Card, if the person applying has insurance
- Medical or Educational Records showing:
- The disability, and
- Evidence of three serious limits in daily life skills