The UI State Information Data Exchange System (UI SIDES) and SIDES E-Response (previously called SIDES Employer Web site, or SEW) are optional, free, electronic services. They enable employers and third-party administrators to securely receive and respond to unemployment insurance (UI) benefit claim notices/information requests from state UI agencies electronically rather than by U.S. Postal Service mail. To determine which of these two services would be best for your business, view or download the SIDES and SIDES E-Response Comparison Table.
UI SIDES and SIDES E-Response offer employers the option of a secure, electronic, and nationally standardized format to:
Both systems offer many benefits that will help your company simplify and streamline responses to UI information requests:
To participate in the SIDES E-Response web site system, complete the online registration process. Once your registration is approved, notification of all future unemployment insurance benefit claims will be emailed to the email address you provided on your registration form. A Personal Identification Number (PIN) and a URL for accessing the E-Response web site, which will allow you to complete and respond to the UB-110 forms electronically, will be provided in each of these email notifications. Any UB-110 forms you have already received via paper form, must be responded to via paper form. They will not be accessible within the SIDES E-Response system. If you change your email address or decide that you do not want to participate in E-Response after signing up for the service, contact the Employer Registration Unit at A SIDES Email Notification will be emailed to you when there are UB-110 notices for you to view and respond to if warranted.
For additional information on the UISIDES computer-to-computer interface system, including how to sign up for it, view or download the UI SIDES Introductory Guide (link is external) Section 4 of the Guide explains how to participate and provides related contact information.
For additional information, please visit UI State Information Data Exchange (SIDES) (link is external)