The Division of Developmental Disabilities offers various employment supports and services to members that enable them to gain the skills necessary to obtain and retain employment.
The member’s Support Coordinator and Employment Services Specialist will help him or her explore and identify an appropriate job based upon work experience, education, abilities, interests, and the availability of employment within his or her community. High-school students may participate in employment and/or job-training services after the school day has ended and during school breaks.
Individual Supported Employment: Provides on-the-job training and coaching. The member is hired by a company and paid just like any other employee.
What is Individual Supported Employment? from ArizonaDES on Vimeo.
Employment Support Aide: Provides ongoing one-on-one support to a member to remain employed.
What is Employment Support Aid? from ArizonaDES on Vimeo.
Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) oversees programs designed to assist eligible individuals who have disabilities to achieve employment outcomes and enhanced independence by offering comprehensive services and supports. The Vocational Rehabilitation Program (VR, Voc Rehab) provides services and supports in order to assist persons with disabilities to meet their employment goals.
Vocational Rehabilitation Overview from ArizonaDES on Vimeo.
Group Supported Employment: Provides on-site supervision to a small group of members working in a community setting. Groups can range from two to four individuals. Members may be paid by the DDD service provider or the employer.
What is Group Supported Employment? from ArizonaDES on Vimeo.
Pathways to Employment: Members using this service gain skills and explore interests to obtain meaningful, Competitive Integrated Employment based on their abilities, interests, and personal goals regardless of their journey along the employment pathway.
Center-Based Employment: A time limited service that provides supervised work and vocational training for a member within a contracted vendor’s facility where most of the workers have a disability. Members are paid based upon their productivity.
Connecting Individuals with Disabilities to Fulfilling Employment from ArizonaDES on Vimeo.
The Division of Developmental Disabilities and the Vocational Rehabilitation Program team up to provide employment opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities. Meet Nathan, who loves his job at the Texas Roadhouse in Sierra Vista, Arizona... And the folks at Texas Roadhouse who love him right back.
Because Social Security and Long-Term Care Benefits are affected by income and assets, the amount of income earned may reduce benefits.
Go to Arizona Disability Benefits 101 to learn more about benefits.