Register to attend the virtual meeting.
Or, you can attend in person at the following address:
Executive Tower
2nd Floor Conference Room
1700 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Send RSVP by June 3, 2024 to [email protected]
As a distinguished Tribal leader, the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) invites you to attend the upcoming Tribal Consultation. The agenda will encompass discussions around several upcoming state plans. These plans include SNAP Career Advancement Network & Employment/ Training, Disaster SNAP, SNAP Education, SNAP Outreach and Able-Bodied Adult Without Dependents. Additionally, we look forward to hearing your ideas on how we can improve the DES Tribal Consultation policy.
During the tribal consultation, Tribal Leaders are encouraged to ask questions and offer any recommendations or immediate feedback. We look forward to seeing you soon!