As part of Title III of the Older Americans Act (OAA), DAAS partners with local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) to provide supportive services such as case management, community services, in-home services, transportation, information and referral, legal assistance, nutrition programs, such as home-delivered meals and congregate meals, family caregiver support, health promotion, and disease prevention services. Arizona currently has eight AAAs throughout the state.
The IFF distributes OAA Title III-B, III-C1, III-C2, III-D, and III-E funds to these eight AAAs so that they can implement the services outlined in the Act. Additionally, the DES has developed and published the proposed IFF for review and comment by older individuals, family caregivers, other appropriate agencies and organizations, and the general public for at least 30 calendar days.
The Proposed Interstate Funding Formula document includes the existing and new funding formulas and methodologies organized in tables and brief descriptions.
Public comments on the Proposed Interstate Funding Formula can be emailed to [email protected].
Once the proposed IFF is finalized and Federally approved, the new IFF will be fully implemented for State Fiscal Year 2027 and will continue to be used in succeeding years.