The Child Care Electronic System (CCES) is a new resource child care providers can utilize to make business processes like attendance tracking easier to complete and submit to the Department of Economic Security (DES). CCES provides the ability to:
The first component of the CCES is electronic attendance tracking implemented through the awarded vendor, KinderSystems®.
Thank you for your interest in the CCES! The March 2025 cohort is now closed due to a great response from providers. The June 2025 cohort registration will be posted shortly.
Licensed Centers and Group Homes: Electronic attendance is transmitted to KinderSystems® from a DES approved CCMS. The list of DES approved CCMS are included below. Once electronic attendance is transmitted to KinderSystems, providers review the final attendance and hit the submission button for the attendance to be sent directly to DES for payment. The DES Arizona Child Care Automated Tracking System (AZCCATS) reviews the attendance and the payment is processed. In addition, on a nightly basis, except weekends, AZCCATS sends data to KinderSystems® on certificates of authorizations. This allows a provider to see in KinderSystems® the children authorized for child care assistance.
Certified Family Child Care Home Providers: There are two ways that the CCES works for a Certified Family Child Care Home Provider. The first is by using a DES approved Child Care Management Software (CCMS). See below for the full list of DES approved CCMS. Electronic attendance is transmitted to KinderSystems® from the CCMS. Once electronic attendance is transmitted to KinderSystems® the provider reviews the final attendance and hits the submission button for the attendance to be sent directly to DES for payment. The DES Arizona Child Care Automated Tracking System (AZCCATS) reviews the attendance and the payment is processed.
If you do not use a CCMS then you can still use the CCES by using KinderSystems®. The provider and the parent/guardian of the authorized children will register with KinderSystems® to establish accounts to track daily attendance and submit the attendance for payment. The parent/guardian will use a tablet or a mobile phone to sign the child in and out through KinderSystems®. The provider, using a tablet or mobile phone, will submit the electronic attendance for the month for children authorized for child care to DES and receive payment. In addition, on a nightly basis, except weekends, AZCCATS sends data to KinderSystems® on certificates of authorizations. This allows a provider to see in KinderSystems® the children authorized for child care assistance.
Non-Certified Relative Providers (NCRP): The NCRP and the parent/guardian of the authorized children will register with KinderSystems® to establish accounts to track daily attendance and submit the attendance for payment. The parent/guardian will use a tablet or a mobile phone to sign the child in and out through KinderSystems®. The NCRP, using a tablet or mobile phone, will submit the electronic attendance for the month to DES and receive payment.
The use of the new system is voluntary and not a requirement of the Provider Registration Agreement at this time for child care centers, group homes, and certified family child care home providers. All Non-Certified Relative Providers will be transitioned to using the CCES. Providers utilizing the CCES will benefit from timely payments, significantly reduced paper transactions, and time reduction on manual monitoring.
License Centers and Group Homes: If you are using an approved CCMS you can elect to participate in the CCES by signing up for a CCES cohort. The first cohort will start March 1, 2025 and the second cohort will begin June 1, 2025. Providers will be required to participate in a series of training on the CCES and the exchange of attendance data through KinderSystems®. A total of 50 providers can register for each cohort. The DES/CCSD will review implementation and may increase the size of the cohorts for September and December as well as increase the number of cohorts available. The goal is to ensure providers successfully enroll and participate in the CCES.
Once you are registered for the CCES cohort you will receive a Provider Participation Agreement that must be completed to receive information on how to register with KinderSystems® and to participate in the required training.
Certified Family Child Care Home Providers: If you are using a DES approved CCMS and want to enroll in the CCES, please sign up for the next cohort when it opens.
Once you are registered for the CCES cohort you will receive a Provider Participation Agreement that must be completed to receive information on how to register with KinderSystems® and to participate in the required training.
For Certified Providers not using a CCMS, the DES Certification Team will directly contact Certified Providers to enroll in a Certified Provider.
Non-Certified Relative Home Providers (NCRP): All NCRPs will be contacted by their License Surveyor to enroll in a NCRP Cohort and receive training.
The DES/CCSD has approved the following CCMS for the CCES:
A CCMS must submit an application to be considered for approval by the DES/CCSD. Along with these approved CCMS the DES/CCSD has received various applications by other CCMS vendors and they are in various stages of approval including working with KinderSystems® to finalize the required Application Program Interface (API) which allows electronic attendance data to be transmitted or testing the CCMS with DES contracted providers. Reach out to your Licensed Surveyor to find out if your CCMS has submitted an application at [email protected].
A CCMS Request for Application can be submitted at any time by a CCMS.
For child care providers already using the CCES go to the CCES Information Site for detailed information and training on the CCES.
Child Care Electronic System (CCES) FAQs
Child Care Electronic System (CCES) FAQs for Non-Certified Relative Providers
Should you have any initial questions about the CCES please reach out to the Provider Network and Support Team:
License Center and Group Homes:
[email protected]
Certified Family Child Care Home Providers:
[email protected]
Non-Certified Relative Providers:
[email protected]
Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other nondiscrimination laws and authorities, ADES does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Persons that require a reasonable modification based on language or disability should submit a request as early as possible to ensure the State has an opportunity to address the modification. The process for requesting a reasonable modification can be found at Equal Opportunity and Reasonable Modification