The DES Homeless Coordination Office, using a combination of federal and state funds, contracts with not for profit and local government entities to provide the following services directly throughout the State of Arizona:
Rapid Rehousing
Emergency Shelter
Homeless Prevention
Street Outreach
DES also collaborates on a statewide level with each of the Continuums Of Care (CoC) to ensure that the needs are being assessed and adequately addressed.
If you are experiencing a housing crisis and in need of assistance, we recommend calling *211 or visiting the 2-1-1- Arizona website to obtain assistance with locating shelter, affordable housing and limited rent and utility assistance.
You can also visit one of the following websites for additional information on who to contact and where to go.
The DES Homeless Coordination Office is aware that Arizona is experiencing an unprecedented housing crisis and many Arizonans are in need of assistance.
While DES does not directly administer or provide any homeless programs or services, the agency does fund and collaborate with local service providers that can and should be contacted directly. For the fastest help, all programs and services -- including determining eligibility for shelter and housing services -- must be accessed through these partners in your local community.
Please see below for information about local access points, or visit the 2-1-1 Arizona website to locate shelter, affordable housing, and limited rent and utility assistance programs:
Please understand that due to the great amount of need for help, all available community programs and resources should be contacted through these local agencies.