You can search for reports, forms, policies and pamphlet and posters with information about specific programs and services.
Number | Document Name | Effective Date |
FAA-1249A | Verification of Disability | 05/01/2023 |
FA-065-FFS | Verificación de Arreglos de Vivienda/Dirección Residencial | 07/01/2017 |
CCA-0031A | Verbal Notice of Eligibility (English/Spanish) | 10/01/2022 |
RSA-BP1532 | Vending Log Blank | 06/07/2015 |
DDD-1745A-S | Vehicle Safety Buckle Up - Q&A's (Spanish) | 06/01/2016 |
DDD-1745A | Vehicle Safety Buckle Up - Q&A's (English) | 05/01/2016 |
HRP-1027A | USDA Compliance Review (English) | 12/01/2024 |
HRP-1001A | USDA Commodity Loss Report (CLR) | 07/01/2022 |
HRP-1014A-S | USDA Civil Rights Complaint and Grievance (Spanish) | 02/01/2022 |
HRP-1014A | USDA Civil Rights Complaint and Grievance (English) | 02/01/2022 |
Number | Document Name | Effective Date |
FAA-0620D | Supplemental Pages for the Treatment Center Monthly Roster | 07/01/2023 |
ETA-081A | Supplement to Application for DUA Self-Employed Individuals | 04/01/2018 |
ETA- 081A -S | Suplemento a la Solicitud para Solicitantes de DUA que Trabajan por Cuenta Propia | 04/01/2018 |
LCR-1064A | Statement of Understanding-Application for HCBS Certification | 03/01/2023 |
RRP-1015A-Tigrinya | Statement of Understanding (Tigrinya) | 08/01/2023 |
RRP-1015A-Swahili | Statement of Understanding (Swahili) | 08/01/2023 |
RRP-1015A-S | Statement of Understanding (Spanish) | 08/01/2023 |
RRP-1015A-Russian | Statement of Understanding (Russian) | 08/01/2023 |
RRP-1015A-Rohingya (Latin) | Statement of Understanding (Rohingya (Latin)) | 08/01/2023 |
RRP-1015A-Pashto | Statement of Understanding (Pashto) | 08/01/2023 |
Number | Document Name | Effective Date |
Statistical Bulletin January 2015 | Statistical Bulletin January 2015 | 01/31/2015 |
Statistical Bulletin January 2014 | Statistical Bulletin January 2014 | 02/28/2014 |
Statistical Bulletin January 2013 | Statistical Bulletin January 2013 | 02/15/2013 |
Statistical Bulletin February 2024 | Statistical Bulletin February 2024 | 03/20/2024 |
Statistical Bulletin February 2023 | Statistical Bulletin February 2023 | 03/10/2023 |
Statistical Bulletin February 2022 | Statistical Bulletin February 2022 | 04/11/2022 |
Statistical Bulletin February 2021 | Statistical Bulletin February 2021 | 04/11/2022 |
Statistical Bulletin February 2020 | Statistical Bulletin February 2020 | 03/31/2020 |
Statistical Bulletin February 2019 | Statistical Bulletin February 2019 | 03/29/2019 |
Statistical Bulletin February 2018 | Statistical Bulletin February 2018 | 03/26/2018 |
Number | Document Name | Effective Date |
WIO-1169A | Resume Tips | 05/01/2022 |
FAA-1548A | Restaurant Owners Needed (English) | 01/01/2025 |
DDD-1751A | Responsible Driving Information Fact Sheet#6 (English) | 07/01/2016 |
ESA-1383A-S | Resources for H-2B Workers (Spanish) | 10/01/2023 |
ESA-1383A | Resources for H-2B Workers (English) | 10/01/2023 |
DDD-2013A | Residential Service Options (English) | 12/01/2021 |
GCI-1212A | Request for Reconsideration Process (English) | 07/01/2024 |
DDD-2082A-S | Reportando Sospechas de Abuso, Negligencia, o Explotación | 09/01/2020 |
DDD-2082A | Report Suspected Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation | 09/01/2020 |
DDD-2323A-S | Repair or Replacement of the Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) System (Spanish) | 11/01/2024 |
Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other nondiscrimination laws and authorities, ADES does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Persons that require a reasonable modification based on language or disability should submit a request as early as possible to ensure the State has an opportunity to address the modification. The process for requesting a reasonable modification can be found at Equal Opportunity and Reasonable Modification